Kapruka Pty Ltd

Kapruka: The Tree of wealth

Our Products & Services: Remittances: To Other Countries

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Express Money UAE Exchange

Transfer funds to countries in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Africa, Asia and the pacific region, Europe, CIS and USA

Transfer funds to countries in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, the Middle East

Cash over the counter or into a nominated account in some countries

Demand Draft delivered to a nominated Bank or via Telegraphic Transfer

Money received within 10 minutes

Delivered to the bank or beneficiary within 3 days


Branch Offices UAE Exchange,

Abu Dhabi, Tel. (971 2) 610 5630, Cochin Tel. (91 484) 371555/6, New Delhi Tel. (91 11) 2678 9499, Chennai Tel. (91 44) 641 2429, Bombay (91 22) 2820 1747, Jalandhar Tel. (91 181) 224 4025, Hyderabad Tel. (91 40) 2474 7868, Bangladesh Tel. (880 2) 933 7547, Sri Lanka (94 11) 266 2278